One thing I noticed during my time at university: the qualifications of university tutors were inversely related to how useful those skills were in the ‘real world’. The more highly qualified the tutors, the less useful that particular skill was.
For example my finance tutors were all 4th year undergraduates or Masters students because finance skills were highly demanded in the marketplace. Presumably anyone with great finance skills would have better alternatives to being a university tutor (such as working in investment banking, private equity etc) and would be quickly hired away.
In contrast, the tutors teaching management 101 were all 50-60 year old PhD’s. Presumably anyone with a PhD in management did not have better alternatives to being a university tutor. Most of the tutors seemed to have never managed any enterprise or organisation in their lives.
Usual caveats apply – there are great and talented individuals who have management PhD’s and there are average people with finance degrees. But this relationship generally held.